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6th Grade Core

Core 6 Course Description 

Core 6 Course Description 

Core is composed of language arts and history taught in a three-period time block on most days. Structuring the program in this way provides students with a safe and caring environment as they transition from elementary school into middle school.   
Instruction of the three subjects is integrated and activity based and aligned with California Content Standards. The teaching of reading and writing in our Language Arts program focuses on creating lifelong readers and writers and building a life where reading and writing matter. Students are taught a variety of essential reading and writing skills and strategies. They practice and apply these skills and strategies to a variety of reading and writing situations and types and work in partnerships to improve their skills and share their learning.   
The Social Studies curriculum, the study of ancient civilizations, begins with the study of archaeology and how social scientists examine artifacts to reconstruct the lives of ancient people. From there students investigate early humans and how these hunter-gatherers learned to domesticate plants and animals and settle down to form civilizations. The ancient civilizations students study include Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, India, China, Greece, and Rome.