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Site / ELAC Council


The Iron Horse School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory Council  (ELAC) represents parents, students, community members, and school staff in the school governance process.  The SSC and ELAC has a number of important responsibilities, including:
-Provide input on issues related to the improvement of curriculum and instruction for our English learners.
-Reviewing and analyzing student data.
-Soliciting community input.
-Assisting the principal in developing the Single Plan for Student Achievement and school site  budget.
-Monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the Single Plan for Student Achievement on an ongoing basis.
-Approving the School Site Plan and school site budget before it is submitted to the District for final  review and approval. 

2024-25 Site Council / ELAC Members

2024-25 Site Council / ELAC Members

Marissa Norris - Principal 
Mona Keeler - Assistant Principal 
Michelle Hamon - Teacher
Shawn Armstrong - Teacher
Anastasia Zastavna - Teacher 
Mariam Ghadiali - Resource Para
Lauren Wade - Parent
Alyssa Robbins - Parent
Prakhar Dwivedi - Student
Savir Gill - Student
Pearl Gupta - Student
Rohan Bhandari - Student