Family Handbook
We’d like to welcome all new and returning families to Iron Horse Middle School for the 2024-2025 School year. Whether you are beginning your middle school career or anticipating the end of your time here, please know that each and everyone of you is an integral part of the Iron Horse community. As we continue to learn and grow together, we want to emphasize that we are partners in support of each student's success.You are not on your educational journey on your own, this is a community effort. All of our staff members are here to support our students and their families during the transition from elementary student into a well prepared high school student. We are committed to our mission statement: The mission of Iron Horse Middle School is to educate, inspire, and empower students in a safe and equitable learning environment, which you will hear and come to know firsthand as we strive everyday to get closer to accomplishing.
As we pursue the SRVUSD’s strategic directions, aspiring to provide equity and social emotional wellbeing in order to achieve deep learning and grow students with the skills in the learner profile we not only stress academics but educating the whole student. We do this by working to ensure that students have the tools to begin to understand who they are and their own needs while also knowing what it takes to work with their peers and adults. This begins with creating a safe environment, which can only happen with the support of all stakeholders working together to hold each other accountable for creating the type of environment we want. We must be upstanders that call out the behaviors we don’t want happening on our campus if we want to feel safe. Make an effort to get to know the teachers and staff and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.
We have a saying here at Iron Horse – “Do not underestimate the POWER of a Jaguar!” One of the ways you can discover your “POWER”(Pride, Optimism, Willingness, Empathy, Respect) is through demonstrating responsibility. All students are responsible for our school climate and for their own success. Using strong organizational skills is very important as students navigate their classes on a daily basis. Students accomplish this goal by monitoring Google Classroom and using a planner or other organizational tool to help their year be a productive one. We REQUIRE all 6th grade students to keep a planner in their backpacks or in their belongings when at school. Teachers will support students in our 30 minute Home Room period after break on Mondays to build strong organizational habits while also helping students practice planning for academic success and developing important interpersonal skills. We are going to have an outstanding year together! We hope you share our enthusiasm in making Iron Horse Middle School the best experience that it can be!
IHMS Administration Team